AltDentifier Nutzungsbedingungen & Datenschutzerklärung

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur unsere AGB in englischer Sprache rechtsverbindlich sind. Während Übersetzungen dieser Dokumente zu Ihrer Bequemlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden können, werden sie von der Gemeinschaft übersetzt und sind somit keine juristischen Dokumente.


Ihre Privatsphäre ist AltDentifier sehr wichtig, und wir werden Ihre Privatsphäre bei der Nutzung unserer Dienste schützen.

Wir bitten um Ihre persönlichen Daten, um den reibungslosen Betrieb der AltDentifier-Dienste zu gewährleisten. AltDentifier ist eine Social Media-Verifizierungsplattform und wird als solche Informationen über Ihr Profil auf diesen Plattformen anfordern und mit anderen teilen.

Wenn Sie Ihr Konto bei AltDentifier verifizieren, können einige Informationen mit Mitarbeitern von Chat-Gruppen geteilt werden, die die AltDentifier-Dienste nutzen. Dies beinhaltet, ist aber nicht beschränkt auf die folgenden Informationen:
* Die Gesamtzahl der Server, in denen Sie sich befinden,
* Ein Benutzername, der dem Dienst entspricht, den Sie zur Überprüfung Ihres Kontos verwendet haben
* Metriken über das Konto bei dem Dienst, den Sie zur Überprüfung Ihres Kontos verwendet haben, diese können unter anderem die Anzahl der Tweets, die Sie veröffentlicht haben, oder Ihr Steam-Level beinhalten.
* Ihr Browser-Status, der angibt, ob Sie bei der Verifizierung mit AltDentifier ein VPN verwendet haben.
AltDentifier speichert anonymisierte Informationen über die Dienste, mit denen Sie sich verbinden. Während diese Daten mit Ihrem AltDentifier-Konto verknüpft sind, werden die Identifikatoren der Verbindung vor der Speicherung mit dem SHA-512-Hashing-Algorithmus irreversibel anonymisiert. Ihre IP-Adresse wird von verarbeitet, die dafür sorgt, dass die von uns gesendeten Daten regelmäßig gelöscht werden.
AltDentifier speichert Ihre IP-Adresse niemals für eine spätere Verwendung.


Bitte lesen Sie diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen vollständig unter, Eigentümer und Betreiber ist Geoffrey Westhoff. Diese Vereinbarung dokumentiert die rechtsverbindlichen Bedingungen, die mit der Nutzung der Website unter verbunden sind. Mit dem Zugriff auf und der Nutzung dieses Dienstes erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, an die Bedingungen und Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung gebunden zu sein. Darüber hinaus unterliegen Sie bei der Nutzung dieser besonderen Dienste allen veröffentlichten Richtlinien oder Regeln, die für diese Dienste gelten. Der AltDentifier-Dienst ist für Personen unter 13 Jahren nicht zugänglich, und AltDentifier speichert keine personenbezogenen Daten von Kindern unter 13 Jahren. Jede Teilnahme an diesem Service bedeutet die Annahme dieser Vereinbarung. Wenn Sie nicht damit einverstanden sind, sich an das oben Gesagte zu halten, nutzen Sie bitte diesen Service nicht.

1. Liability

This site and it's components are offered for informational purposes only; this site shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via the site, and shall not be responsible or liable for any error or omissions in that information.

2. Intellectual Property

The Site and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by Geoffrey Westhoff and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. All data generated and shared by AltDentifier in the past, present or future is property of AltDentifier and it's sole owners and must be transferred, removed or changed on request.

3. Termination

We may terminate your access to the Site, without cause or notice, which may result in the forfeiture and destruction of all information associated with your account. All provisions of this Agreement that, by their nature, should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability. You may also request to terminate your account yourself, to do this, submit a deletion request on our web panel. Using AltDentifier after termination will result in a new account being opened for you.

4. Changes to the agreement

AltDentifier reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms.

5. Warranty

AltDentifier is provided "as is" with no warranty or liability for any outcomes of using AltDentifier and/or any content you may or may not interact with on AltDentifier, and you agree that AltDentifier is not liable for any events in the past, in current times or in the future. You agree to hold harmless against AltDentifier for every possible situation except for those we accept full responsibility off. AltDentifier is not responsible and will not take responsibility for the behaviour of other parties using AltDentifier.

6. Disputes

While using AltDentifier, certain situations may or may not develop which may cause you to file a dispute with us.
If you find yourself banned from our services, you must e-mail our contact mail to file an official appeals, or to request the reason for your ban. Appeals must be formally written and should include your Discord ID, proof of account ownership and a reason why your ban should be overturned.
If you wish to be forgotten by AltDentifier, you can submit a request at our web panel.
If you wish to submit a personal data request, you can submit a request at our web panel once per 24 hours.

7. Other Links

Our Site does contain a number of links to other websites and online resources that are not owned or controlled by AltDentifier. AltDentifier has no control over, and therefore cannot assume responsibility for, the content or general practices of any of these third party sites and/or services. Therefore, we strongly advise you to read the entire terms and conditions and privacy policy of any site that you visit as a result of following a link that is posted on our site.

8. Governing Law

This Agreement is governed in accordance with the laws of The Kingdom of The Netherlands.

9. Acknowledgement

By using AltDentifier, you acknowledge all above Terms. You acknowledge that, even if you did not read the Terms in full, you will comply with our Terms.

10. Contact

If you have any questions, requests or complaints about AltDentifier, please forward this to our staff using [email protected]. We will respond to these inquiries within 28 days. AltDentifier fully complies with GDPR Data Releasements and Data Deletion.

AltDentifier ChatGuard Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

The AltDentifier ChatGuard System, hereafter identified simply as ChatGuard, is a system that is developed by using KSoft.SI’s ChatWatch system for processing of text messages to determine toxicity and other harmful meanings conveyed. As such, your usage of the ChatGuard system is governed by it’s own separate Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as KSoft.SI’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By joining and conversing in any server using ChatGuard, you agree that AltDentifier processes your messages and forwards them to KSoft.SI’s ChatWatch system for analysis, thereby binding you to KSoft.SI’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in all manners that relate to the ChatWatch system and it’s employment by AltDentifier.


By employing or interacting with the ChatGuard system in a server using the ChatGuard system, AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may collect information that is sent to them as a result of using our services. AltDentifier and KSoft.SI will collect information from users in servers using the ChatGuard system. Information we may collect may include, but is not limited to user identifiers, channel identifiers, server identifiers and message content. You agree that AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may use information provided by you to improve their services. AltDentifier and KSoft.SI make use of the following obligations on the legal basis of honouring our obligations to you and for our legitimate interests, which includes providing the service to you, protecting our users and property, improving our business and for our legal obligations. AltDentifier reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. Please review our policies periodically, and before engaging with our services. Continuing to use our services after any changes to this Policy indicates your agreements to the revised Policy. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our Policies. You may reach us at: [email protected] or KSoft.SI at [email protected]

Terms of Usage

By employing the ChatGuard system in your server, you shall make notice in your server of the usage of this system and provide an electronic link to this resource. In order to gain access to ChatGuard, you must allow AltDentifier to post a message in your server. By using this feature, you will fulfil your obligation of making notice in your server. AltDentifier will enforce the visibility, readability and availability of this message automatically. If your server fails to fulfil this obligation, your access to ChatGuard may be (permanently) suspended. You agree that both AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may revoke your access to ChatGuard at any time, and that neither AltDentifier, nor KSoft.SI, take any responsibility for the usage of the ChatGuard system in your server.

Your Content

By employing the ChatGuard system in your server, you grant AltDentifier and KSoft.SI a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sub licensable and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, adapt, distribute and display any message content that is processed by us in connection to providing and operating the ChatGuard and ChatWatch services.
